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Mark your calendar on March 20th, 8AM EST...
Get JV Update below now...
Get JV Update Now...
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We're LIVE at Sunday, March 20th, 8am EST
Why Must You Promote Us?
We always release product based on our proven experience. Your list will thank you when you sell it to them.
Our offers convert at 5-7% among good affiliates. Even one of our top affiliates convert at 22% with $1.51 EPC.
Our IM industries have plenty of good and helpful marketers who rapidly become good friends because of we grow together here. I always help the best I can even if you’re new in IM. Promotion, testimonial, beta tester, you name it. Together we’re stronger…
Just take a look at what my 5-Figure Friend, Art Flair has to say about me:
>>> 3D ECOVER <<<
The Front End is Over 90 Minutes Video Training split into 7 Modules.
Your list will learn how to make money online and build list at the same time with affiliate program and FB ads traffic. It's very newbie friendly as I exactly showed on-screen training on how to put it on practice.
OTO 1 is the exact 2 case studies I did which got me hundreds of new list and hundreds of dollars in income.
Your list will peek the exact whole things I did to get those results. Definitely will help them the most.
OTO 2 is 1-hour coaching call with me. It will be conducted on groups or private.
Your list will get the MOST help from me 1-on-1 to their exact problem to move their business forward. This is truly how we can help them at the most effective way.
You send them to me and I'll take care of them...
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Kevin Fahey

Ken Reno

Francesco Iantorno

Chris Mollo

Mike Janssens

John Mulry

JF Garsula

Abdallah Salim

Kim Standerline

You Here?

Art Flair


Delilah Taylor

James Howard

Gerald Soh

Eric Lovelace

Alex Albert

Kartikya Dhiman
Just a sample of our JVs, past Affiliates and Friends in the industry... Together, we're stronger!
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Warming Email
Subject: This Will Be A Game Changer...
Subject: You'll Want To See This!
Hey [[firstname]],
Have you ever felt you've done enough to your business but the results aren't still showing?
Or you haven't made any dime yet after all of these "promising" stuffs you bought in the past?
Don't worry everyone including me once had similar process.
Tomorrow, It's gonna be different.
My friend, Lemy, will release his brand new "Private" training on how to make money within 24-hours from scratch.
He called this private because it's based on his personal experience as He won't release anything outside of it.
"Affiliate Cash Map" training, that what he called it, is a step-by-step guide for you to start earning cash within 24-hours...
And as you know, when Lemy releases something, he made sure everything is covered up to help his customers.
SO stay with me tomorrow at the same time as I'll email you the updates on this "game-changer" training which would make so called Gurus jaw dropped.
See you tomorrow,
- [Your Name]
Apply This 4-Steps and Make Cash Tomorrow!
I bet you're already tired with some 'IM Junks' out there just like I was.
Well, surely you have to be wise choosing products / training to buy out there. Make sure it fits your needs and it supports your own "Master Plan".
I don't know about you, but if you're currently still searching for the perfect model to make money online, this could be what you're looking for.
Tomorrow, I'll show you this exact 4-steps in making money online while still building your list within the next 24 hours after you apply it.
I'll show the exact No-fluff "Do-It-With-You" Training so you'll be easy to do it at your own.
Do this, do that and Don't do this, don't do that. 🙂
Wait for my email at the same time tomorrow so you won't miss this.
Talk soon and see you tomorrow,
- [Your Name]
Closing Email
Subject: [LAST EMAIL] I'm Checking Out If You're In or Not...
I've been recommending you this training for several of days.
Now this is it! I'm really checking out if you're in or not.
>> Go here to make money tomorrow [LINK]
This is my last email of this training.
As well as I checked, the price was still increasing per every sale.
>> Go here to secure your copy at 'cup of coffee' price [LINK]
See you inside,
- [Your Name]
Launch Swipes
Subject: [LIVE] Apply This 4-Steps and Make Cash Tomorrow!
Subject: [URGENT] Do This 4-Steps to Assure You Cashing-In Tomorrow!
Now is the time.
If you read my email yesterday then you know it's coming.
The training I told you about is LIVE now!
>> Go here to read the detail [LINK]
Affiliate Cash Map is Video Training that will guide you with the exact "Do-It-With-You" step-by-step to start making money by tomorrow.
It's based on personal experience of my friend, Lemy, whose trainings are always jam-packed with everything it takes to make you succeed.
>> Learn more about it here [LINK]
You know that list and making money fast are two most important thing in your online business right?
This method will certainly guide you to build both of them at the same time.
>> Go here to know the exact 4-steps now [LINK]
See you inside,
- [Your Name]
Subject: [4-Steps] Make Your First Dollar Tomorrow
Hey, how is your day?
I'm currently sitting in my laptop seeing my daily affiliate commission rolling in.
You know it's easy when you focus on one system and scale it up when it works.
Just like this system I'm using:
>> Click here to learn more about it [LINK]
Well, if you're currently still struggling finding a system that could bring you money and build list at the same time...
... This is it!
This will teach you how to get $82,1 and build 100+ list at the same time.
>> Go here to see the training [LINK]
Really hope your day will be same as mine.. or Better.. soon.
- [Your Name]
Subject: This Affiliate Cash Map is The Only Map You Need!
Are you struggling make money online?
Do you keep buying the 'IM junks' out there but nothing worked?
If yes, listen this up coz this is different.
>> Go here to make money tomorrow [LINK]
This training is different because it's based on proven personal experience.
The vendor is known to never released trainings if never been experienced before.
>> Click here to check the training out [LINK]
This training will be the map you'll only need to make money online by selling products that you don't own.
Imagine having the exact map you need to go somewhere, that would be lots easier for you don't you think?
>> Go here to get your own map [LINK]
See you inside,
- [Your Name]
Affiliate Terms & Conditions
Please always adhere to these FTC guidelines when promoting our products and services.
No negative marketing tactics are allowed on this launch. Please refrain from creating non-positive reviews and scam promotions in order to attract clicks.
In addition, you must not use the following promotional methods if approved for this affiliate program. Doing so may result in you being terminated from the affiliate program and forfeiting any outstanding commissions.
1. Sending SPAM or using safe lists any kind.
2. Offering cash rebates to people who buy through your affiliate link.
3. Using negative words such as 'scam' in promotional campaign.
4. Please do not misrepresent our product/offer and follow any endorsement rules and regulations that are applicable both in the country where you are based and in the countries from which you are sending website traffic or advertising in.
5. Using cookie stuffing. If you do, you will not get paid any commissions.
All negative promoters will be banned from promoting as we do not wish to give a false image to a legitimate information product.
We do not tolerate SPAM. Please do not send SPAM to promote our product. We will hold any affiliates liable for damages and lost money if we find that you are SPAMMING.
(c) copyright 2016 - Affiliate Cash Map